Typically, the Football seasons run from August through to May.
Download Our Football Ground Guide here.
End of Season
Once the season is over, renovations can take place. Thankfully the temperatures and daylight should be conducive to a good renovation.
For a lot of professional clubs now is the time the pitch will be koro’ed off – this is when the entirety of the top layer is removed. Although an expensive task to complete, this method of renovation ensures that there is no build-up of the organic ‘thatch’ layer, which can lead to issues for playability, safety and drainage.
At grassroots level, where this may not be possible, a scarification or fraise mow may take place. This is effectively heavily scratching through the top surface, thinning out the sward and help reduce the surface build-up of the thatch layer. This will help provide a cleaner playing surface, better seed uptake, improved drainage and a healthier sward.
These arisings are then collected to leave a clean and tidy surface.
If ground conditions permit verti-draining may take place. This is punching a number of holes in the surface to help with a range of issues, including:
- Aiding decompaction
- Improving drainage
- Increase air flow around the roots, providing a healthier sward
- Create a seed bed, which leads to improved germination rates and a denser sward of grass
Once this has been completed, seeding/overseeding can take place using Battersbys Pro Sport Reno mix. A sand based top dressing may also be applied, such as Battersby 70/30 top dressing, along with a pre seed 6-9-6 or 7-7-7 to help with rapid establishment.
Please click here if you would like to enquire about bulk top dressing bags
This may not be within your clubs budget, so other options include overseeding and top dressing high traffic areas such as goal mouths, 5 and 15m lines to help re-establish sparsely grassed areas.
Please contact us here if you require a quote for renovation works.
Post Renovation/Pre season
As the seed begins to establish, regular mowing should be undertaken to help keep the pitch neat and tidy, and to help the grass tiller (thicken up). An application of 12-6-6 (35g sq/m) will help encourage further growth, as well as providing nutrients to aid root development.
After 7 or 8 weeks, and whilst there is still good growth, regular verti-cutting should be undertaken to reduce the build up of thatch and improve overall plant health. Applying Liquid iron or the slow release granular 8-0-6 will continue to help provide a healthy sward going into the start of the playing season.
In season – August – October
As growth starts to slow during this period, focus should turn on protecting the overall health of the plant, as well as rooting into the winter months. The 3-12-12 Autumn/Winter feed has excellent Phosphorous and Potassium levels which will encourage deep rooting, important as the lack of growth during the winter takes its toll and your sward thins out.
In season – November – February
The height of the playing season sees reduced temperatures and minimal growth. Focus should be aimed at protecting the coverage that is there – the 3-6-8+fe will continue to strengthen your plant, whilst the Iron will help ward off excess build up of moss, which can cause drainage/playability issues.
If areas of your pitch are starting to look thin/tired, then overseeding with Coldstart, which is designed to germinate in lower temperatures (5c or more) is an option to help alleviate this issue
In season – March – May
As the days start to lengthen and temperatures improve, then a 4-0-4+fe Micro Tonic can act as the perfect pick me up after the long winter months, encouraging sward growth.
Top dressing and overseeding goalmouths/heavy use areas becomes a possibility as temperatures pick up, and can be completed before your main renovation at the end of the season.
Now is the time to put the preparation in place for those all important end of season renovations, and the process starts all over again!
End of season
- Koro, Scarify or Fraise Mow your pitch, dependant on budget
- Verti-drain the pitch/playing area. Please click here to enquire about this service
- Apply top dressing and overseed
- 3-5 days after seeding, apply a pre seed fertiliser – 6-9-6 or 7-7-7 , to promote good seed uptake
Post Renovation/Pre-Season
- Regular mowing to help maintain the height of grass and to help it thicken out
- Application of a spring/summer feed to aid growth
- Once established, regular verti-cutting to help thin out the sward and maintain plant health
August – October
- As growth begins to slow, reduce amount of mowing/verticutting
- Application of 3-12-12 Autumn/Winter feed will help aid strong rooting going into the winter months
November – February
- Further application of Autumn/Winter feed – 3-6-8+fe – the added Iron will help reduce moss build up in thinner areas, reducing the thatch layer, which can lead to a slippery surface
- Consider overseeding with Battersby Cold Start in areas of high wear and tear, and where temperatures are above 5c, to help kickstart the pitch recovery process.
- Regular aeration will help promote improved plant health
March – May
- Place orders for the end of season renovation – ensure you have the stock ready to go!
- Overseeding/Top dressing of goalmouths, thin areas to encourage new growth and give a good base for the upcoming renovations
- Application of the 4-0-4+fe Micro Tonic to help give the grass a lift going into what is usually a busy period game wise for most clubs
35-50gm per sq/m
Covers 571 sq/m @35gm
Covers 400 sq/m @50gm
25kg bag
Covers 714 sq/m @35gm
Covers 500 sq/m @50gm