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After a long Summer the season is finally at an end – it is time to renovate your bowls lawn. Many clubs will complete a renovation of some description, but this is always dependant on budget.
A typical renovation will see the following steps;
- Scarification of the surface and removal of the arisings – this will help clean up the surface and help remove the build up of a thatch layer. Usually 1 or 2 passes are completed on the green.
- Either tining/hollow tining and collection of the cores. A pedestrianised machine will either punch holes into the ground, or help take circular cores of earth out of the ground. This process helps aid decompaction and will help the old and new material work together much more effectively, as well as creating a bed for the seed to sit and establish in.
- Over seeding– once the first two steps are completed, the green is overseeded. The seed will help new growth and to help areas that may have been worn down by the seasons play recover ready for the following year. Battersbys Greens seed mix, or All Greens Rye are very popular. The greens mix contains a mix of bent and fescue seeds, which are well suited to the close mowing required on a bowls lawn. The Greens is a popular choice with many clubs that have to complete their renovations much later in the season due to reduced temperatures.
- Top Dressing – Application of the Battersby 70/30 top dressing mix will help re-establish the levels on your bowling green. As a guide, the recommended rate is approx. 2kg per sq/m, so one 25kg bag will cover approximately 12.5sq/m. Therefore, 100 bags would cover a 1250sq/m bowling green.
A Pre Seeder (7-7-7) can also be applied to help aid germination of the new seedlings quickly and help bring your tired bowls lawn back to life.
Many clubs use an Autumn/Winter fertiliser, such as the 3-6-8+fe to help maintain a healthy lawn throughout the winter.
Spring /Summer
Maintenance on your bowls lawn is slightly more problematic when the season has started, as any remedial work is likely to affect the roll of the ball and therefore the playability of the surface.
Regular mowing to 4-8mm will take place, which can put the grass under stress, particularly if there is not much rain.
Options for fertilising/maintaining the grass in a good, healthy condition include the application of a liquid feed, such as the 12-0-6+fe Liquid fertiliser or the 15-3-3, or indeed some Liquid Iron.
If you don’t have the capability of spraying yet, then it is worth considering purchasing the Even-Spray Sprayer – these machines have a rechargeable battery so are ideal for your club.
We also offer a range of micro-fine granular fertilisers, such as the 8-0-0, which will settle into the surface neatly, without affecting the playability of the surface. This feed will help give your grass a nice green healthy kick, improving growth and appearance.
Our 8-0-6+fe+mg micro fine slow release fertiliser will steadily drip feed nutrients to the lawn over a number weeks, helping maintain the appearance of the bowling green if you are unable to keep tending to your green every few weeks.
End of Season/Autumn/Winter
- Scarify Green and remove the arisings
- Solid or Hollow tine the green, if hollow tining remove the cores
- Overseed the lawn to 35gm per sq/m – please click here for seed options
- Top dress using Battersby 70/30 top dressing mix
- Fertilise using a pre seed – 6-9-6 or 7-7-7
- Maintain nutrient levels throughout the winter with an autumn/winter feed – 3-6-8+fe
- Regular mowing to 4-8mm to maintain height of cut for play
- Ideally liquid feeding during the season, as this does not affect the roll of the ball
- However, we offer 8-0-0 and 8-0-6+fe+mg Micro fine fertilisers which will have minimal impact on surface playability, whilst improving the health of the bowling green
35-50gm per sq/m
Covers 571 sq/m @35gm
Covers 400 sq/m @50gm
Covers 714 sq/m @35gm
Covers 500 sq/m @50gm